Inércia 2023 (1-3 Dec)

📰 News

2023-12-17 - Rewatch on YouTube

We edited the videos from the livestream and uploaded them to our youtube channel. You can find them here.

2023-12-07 - Give us your feedback

Whether you visited us in person or watched the livestream please give us your feedback on Inércia 2023 by filling out this google form: link

2023-12-05 - Rewatch the event

If you missed the livestream or just want to rewatch the events that took place, we will be slowly uploading all of it to our youtube channel. Meanwhile you can access the VODs that were archived at our streaming partners scenesat (now with cuepoints): Day 1 and Days 2 & 3.

2023-12-03 - Thanks for participating!

Thank you all who participated and helped organize Inércia 2023. It was a blast! We will be preparing a post mortem page in the coming days. Meanwhile all our releases are now available at and demozoo. And now dead tired compo team must rest!

2023-12-02 - What is the Demoscene?

Here is the link for the presentation we had about the demoscene (Portuguese only).

Presentation created by zeroshift. Thanks!

2023-12-01 - We are live!

We are now streaming through scenesat and syndicated on our twitch and youtube channels. Follow us on the stream online if you can't be here in person.

2023-11-30 - Installing...

We are rolling carpets and setting tables and running cables and testing connections and installing software and recompiling the kernel and all that jazz. See you tomorrow!

2023-11-29 - 2 days until doors open

It's 13:37! Do you know that that means? Inércia Demoparty 2023 will open it's doors in exactly 2 days! Organizers are already packing things and travelling and cursing suppliers who will fail to deliver on time and testing things and doing all sort of last minutes purchases! How about you? Have you finished and submitted your productions? Did you register on all the things you should have registered? I'm not stressing about the event, you're stressing about the event! See you at the party place!

2023-11-29 - Gather around the table

One of the last items to be closed down from our list of events is the roundtable that will take place Saturday right after lunch. The topic for this year will be "niche communities growth and the demoscene", we'll have representatives from the LOAD ZX Museum, Oficina D'Almada Makerspace and Celso Martinho (one of the main driving forces behind Codebits/Pixelscamp and the first editions of Lisbon Makerfaire) sharing their stories and help us strategize how to achieve Associação Inércia's dream vision.

2023-11-27 - Minor schedule adjustments

Beware of some small schedule adjustments to our timetable:
- We have a new live performance scheduled for Sunday morning by "Echo Chamber Effect".
- The evening events of Friday and Saturday were pushed earlier 1 hour to respect the venue's noise curfew regulations.
- You'll have a smaller window of time to grab some food between events from our in-venue catering partners Alma D'Incrivel or one of the many recommended restaurants near the partyplace which we just added to the website.

2023-11-27 - Want to have lunch with us on Sunday?

On Sunday 3rd December after the doors close we will have a cozy lunch between all the organizers and remaining visitors. You are invited to attend, the cost of the full meal is 15€ per person - option of grilled meat, bacalhau à brás (codfish) or vegan dish - and you need to pre-register by filling this form or letting us know at the infodesk when you arrive on Friday.

2023-11-27 - We have badges!

Any self-praising hacker conference always has one of those custom electronic board badges for their visitors to tinker with. We are not self-praising, nor a hacker conference for that matter, but we also have them! Because our party visitor afonsus thought it'd be cool. And he was 1337% correct in that. These badges do more than just showcase your name – they're powered by an rp2040 microcontroller, programmed to playback your favorite .mod tunes straight from a micro SD card. The badge design is open source, giving you the freedom to tinker, modify, and experiment as much as your heart desires! Badges will be awarded to compo winners and randomly raffled to showcase participants (one per category). There's also a limited batch available for purchase (€10), fill out this form if you need to have one.

2023-11-23 - Quality of life, enhance!

We been talking with some partners to improve our quality of life at the party place and we have a couple of news for our visitors:
- We partnered with Alma d'Incrivel to have catering available throughout the event at affordable prices for our visitors, it's located within the premisses, can't get any closer to the party location then that!
- We'll have a coffee machine at the infodesk, and it's free throughout the whole party if you use our coffee mug (it costs 2 eur). We will also have some hot water and a microwave available.
- City hall is also providing us with a few thick gym mattresses, which we figure might be a bit more convenient then the cold hard wooden floor for some of our visitors who are planning to sleep at the party place.

2023-11-17 - 2 weeks until doors open!

Our doors will open in 2 weeks time welcoming you to Inércia Demoparty 2023! Are you coming in person? You should come in person, it's more fun! Please register if you are though, so we know what to expect in terms of attendance. On the orga side we are still churning away on all the required logistics and you can expect a few more announcements in the coming days!

2023-11-16 - Free t-shirt registration period is over!

Oh noes! The deadline to get yourself a free t-shirt when pre-registering is now over and we have already ordered them from our supplier. We will have some limited excess stock available for purchase at the party place but it's first come first served! You should still register using the registration form if you're planning to attend in person. We need to know how many people are coming.

2023-11-16 - ¡Hola 30N!

On same dates as Inércia, nuestros hermanos from Spain are also having a demoparty event in the Canary Islands called 30N, organized by Canarias Go Retro. We teamed up with them and will also showcase their releases on our big screen, if you got some additional oldschool productions to submit to them, please do, Tenerife also has the right to demoparties!

2023-11-10 - Get your console cables here!

Our lovely partner is supplying again this year discount coupons for our competition winners!

And if you use discount code 'inercia23' (valid Nov 6 - 29) you can pick up your order at Inércia demoparty and avoid all shipping costs!

We are still looking for more partnerships to help us cut down orga costs and provide interesting gifts and prizes for our participants. Can you help? Get in touch!

2023-11-04 - We look different now!

Yes, you're not hallucinating, the page looks different from what it did yesterday. We managed to ressurect our designer from his hibernation and we are updating our party image for 2023 as we type. Wait till you see the flyer and the t-shirt design!

2023-11-03 - Will you look at the time!?

We now have the schedule available, you can see it in the timetable page! It is still preliminary and likely to change a bit before or even during the party but should be helpful to give you an idea of when is what.

2023-11-03 - Beware of our deadlines!

Deadlines might bite if you're not careful, make sure you bring something sweet to turn them friendly. These are the deadlines you should be looking out for:

2023-11-02 - About Inércia 2023

Not sure what Inércia is or how to be a part of it? We recorded a video summarizing the event and the frequently asked questions we have. You can watch it at our youtube channel.

2023-10-31 - Seminar talks information now available!

Every year we have a handful of interesting seminars and workshops of different topics connected with the demoscene, this year is no exception and we have started adding information about them on the Events page! Check it out!

2023-10-26 - Are you coming? Please register!

Planning to attend in person? Awesome! Please use this google form to let us know so we can prepare things. You also get a free t-shirt if you do it before November 12. And if you're anti-google please email us your answers and we'll add your info manually.

2023-10-26 - Come and participate!

The success of Inércia is made by you, the visitors. Inércia is all about community participation. Watching it is fun but engaging with it is even more so. Regardless of your skill level and prior demoscene experience we invite you to present at Inércia something creative that you been working on. At the same time you will be able to see and hear what everyone else has been doing and have that opportunity to engage with them and learn more about it. That's what a demoparty is all about! There are several ways you can participate at Inércia 2023, please check the list to see what best matches your creative interests and try to add a little more you to Inércia.

2023-10-25 - Location Location Location

We have established a partnership with Municipality of Almada and the 175 year old Sociedade Filarmónica Incrivel Almadense. We are proud to announce Inércia Demoparty this year will take place at Salão de Festas da Incrivel Almadense during 1-3 December 2023.

2023-10-20 - We are live!

Hello World! Inércia 2023 is a go! Just need to clean up the website and add all the missing information!

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